1300-1302 College Ave.
1300-1302 College Ave. Houghton, MI 49931
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1300-1302 College Avenue

Built 1883
Addition added 1939
Rented out to university students today

The original owner of this house was a Michigan Supreme Court Justice - In progress

In 1883, Claudius Buchanan Grant built a mansard-roofed Second Empire style house here on land he purchased from the Shelden-Columbian Mining Company. Grant was prosecuting attorney for Houghton County and upon the introduction of the 25th Circuit Court in 1882, he served as the first judge. Grant would later become a Michigan Supreme Court Justice in 1889. In 1885, he sold the home to John Senter, an agent for the E.I. DuPont Co. who established the DuPont powder company in the Copper Country. The town of Senter, home to the Atlas Powder Company, was named for him.   

The original structure of the house only consists of the right half. In 1939, then owner Blanche H. Jackson, expanded the house by building a mirror image on the left side and creating a Colonial Revival-style building. Notice the stone foundation on the right half versus concrete block on the left. The house consists of three stories and two chimneys stand on each end. Beginning in 1948 the two halves sold separately, but were finally reunited under the same owner, Elizabeth Tepfer, in 1980. She sold the house to Derek Bradway, who continues to rent out the house to Michigan Tech students to this day.  

Sources: Williams, R. (2003, April 28) 1300-02 College Avenue Supervisor’s Plat of East Houghton Block 4 Lots 6 & 7. Report prepared for SS 3515 History of American Architecture at Michigan Technological University; Historic Houghton Walking Tour (c. 2000); Image: Carnegie Museum of the Keweenaw. (2022). 1300-1302 College Ave. photograph, Houghton, MI. 

Second Empire